
Frontier: a region at the edge of a settled area, especially in North American development. It is a transition zone where explorers, pioneers and settlers were arriving. As pioneers moved into the "frontier zone", they were changed by the encounter and offered the psychological sense of unlimited opportunity.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Wants and Needs

Days rip off the calender like a tornado is bearing down on them.  Before you know it, Christmas will be here and we will be moving to the ranch. In complete, brutal honesty, as excited as I am about our new adventure, I am not crazy about leaving my house behind.  We built this house four years ago and a lot of love went into choosing each thing in it.  More than just walls and roof, it has been home.  A place for my family to enjoy our animals and each other.  Even though I know what lies ahead is better than anything we might leave behind, I still love this place. 

Equally disturbing as leaving my home, is packing all the stuff in it.  There is a lot of stuff.  That's right.  Stuff.  Amazing how much you accumulate over time and don't realize it.  It is time to get honest about what we own and let go of things we don't need and don't have room for.  We will be downsizing to about half of what we live in now until we can get a home built.  After watching a couple episodes of that Hoarder's show on A&E, I am extremely motivated to get rid of stuff left and right. 

As I deeply purge these belongings, I am reminded of a saying that my grandfather used all the time.  He was a quiet, methodical, practical man who had a saying for everything.  If ever you were considering a purchase, he would have you briefly pause and answer these questions:  1) I know you want it, but do you really need it?  2) You may think you need it, but can you afford it? (brace yourself...this one is the kicker) 3) Can you live without it?

By the time you had gone through this series of questions, you had reasoned your way out of the purchase most of the time.  In this modern day Babylon of ours there is no want (much less need) that goes unfulfilled.  Worse yet, we don't even have to pay for it, we can just charge it.  Some times, we buy things we think will make us happy or to impress people we don't even like.  There is too much stuff.  Most of us are drowning in stuff.  My grandfather's sage reasoning is softly repeated every time I pick up an item to determine if this is a "need" or a "want."  I hear him urging me to consider living without it. 

Thank you Paw Paw for still being with me and guiding me with love. 

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